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They Felt Nothing But Pain As They Lived With Wires Cutting Into Their Necks

Ratty and Batty were found living in deplorable conditions, with no shelter, food or water, writes ilovemydogsomuch

To make matters worse, they had wires and ropes digging into their necks, which had been causing them severe pain. Locals in the area confirmed that the two dogs had been permanently chained up outside and ignored by their owners.

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Thankfully, they were rescued by Sidewalk Specials and brought to the vet for treatment. Although both dogs were scared, their hunger overcame fear and rescuers were able to coax them and gain their trust with food.


They immediately cut the wires and ropes off, which probably made them feel so much better already.

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When they arrived at the vet, they were examined and diagnosed with tick bite fever, malnutrition, mange and anemia. Batty also had an old break in his back leg, which will sadly require amputation since it was left untreated for more than a year.

Ratty and Batty, who are estimated to be around two years old, are now looking for their forever homes.

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If you’re interested in adopting either one of them, please email: contact@sidewalkspecials.org.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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