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Man Doesn’t Bother To Take His Dogs After He Got Evicted, Leaves Them To Starve

Authorities in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, are investigating a grim case of animal cruelty following the discovery of 3 dead pets in a long abandoned home, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The incident was reported by homeowner and landlord Heidi Shaffer, who had evicted her tenant, 34-year-old Howard Wayne McCloy, 2 weeks prior.

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As recounted by Heidi, she was visiting her property to ensure Howard had vacated the home. However, the woman was shocked to hear distressed barking sounds coming from the empty and disgustingly messy home, the locks of which had been changed. Heidi immediately alerted the cops, who later managed to enter the home through a window.

The officers quickly located 2 barely-alive Pit Bull mix dogs sitting in a crate and soaked in their own urine and feces. They then navigated through piles of rubbish and bottles filled with human urine to retrieve 2 emaciated cats from another room. It was an utterly disturbing moment for the officers when they finally found the decomposing corpses of 2 puppies and a dog from one of the bedrooms.

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The surviving animals were quickly transferred under veterinary care. The 2 dogs, Prince and Princess, had multiple scars and sores on their bodies. Their faces, backs and paws had blistered due to scorching urine burns. All the 4 rescued pets had no access to food or water for several weeks. They are now under the custody of a rescue charity called “All But Furgotten” and are undergoing intense treatment plans.

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Based on the findings, the Pennsylvania State Police arrested Howard and slapped him with multiple animal cruelty and neglect charges. The man relinquished his rights to the remaining animals, and was later released on a recognizance bond. He will appear for a preliminary hearing in the coming weeks.

Click the video below to watch the unsettling details of the abuse endured by the 7 pets under Howard’s care.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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