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Cub Wanted To Bond With Other Orphan Bear But He Didn’t Return The Feelings

When Casper was only a few days old, his mother was scared away by loggers, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She felt her life was threatened as the trees fell around her so she took off running for her life. Her baby, however, was tragically left behind. The loggers reported that a baby black bear was on his own and rescuers from Black Bear Rescue Manitoba came to pick him up.

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Casper was so little that his eyes hadn’t fully opened yet. He hadn’t even begun to take his first steps. Judy, one of the rescuers, spent a lot of one on one time with Casper. As a newborn, he needed constant supervision and bottle-feeding. Casper had “tummy time” on his favorite blanket but he still could not sit up or walk.

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Bears, like newborn human babies, long for companionship. At Black Bear Rescue, humans want to interact with the bears as little as possible so they can be released back into the wild in the future. But, of course, this cannot be helped when they’re tiny babies. Once Judy spent enough time with Casper where he could finally sit up on his own and take a few steps, it was time to introduce him to another baby bear.

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Dudley, another orphan at the rescue center, also needed a friend. Both bears were about the same age. Judy thought it would be a natural fit to put them together and they could bond in the enclosure until they were big enough to be moved to the outside habitat. Dudley liked Casper right away. But Casper didn’t return the feelings.

Casper used every opportunity he had to get away from Dudley. This concerned Judy, of course, so she separated the bears. She thought if she gave Casper some time, he may come around. She waited and then put the two bears back together once they were big enough to be in a larger enclosure. With fingers crossed, she watched the baby bears on a live feed. It took some time, but Judy nearly jumped off her chair when she saw the two bears wrestling. They were playing! YAY!

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Then it was official. The two bears couldn’t live without one another. Wherever Casper went, Dudley followed. This was extremely beneficial, and of course, extremely cute. They climbed trees together. They shared food. They even slept nearby one another for comfort. The best part happens next when both Dudley and Casper are fully grown. We won’t spoil it but let’s just say the two bears are living their best lives and thriving as they should.

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We are eternally grateful for Judy and people just like her. So many animals become victims of circumstances beyond their control. We are happy that wild animals can return to where they belong because of places like Black Bear Rescue. To see Casper’s full story, check it out below.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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