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Creeps Hide In Shadows & Target Unsuspecting Pup In His Owner’s Front Yard

Amanda Duhaime and her family did everything right to keep their 4-month-old puppy safe and out of harm’s way, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The Sacramento, California woman says she has gone through a lot and lost so much over the past few years. When little Rubi Rose, a Rottweiler puppy, joined the family, Duhaime felt a sense of joy and happiness she hadn’t felt in a long time. Sadly, the cheery moments were far and few between, and now Rubi Rose is missing.

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Within a matter of minutes, two women pulled up in a 2004 grey Honda Civic and were captured on home surveillance. The duo is believed to have hopped over a neighbor’s garbage can, into Amanda’s yard, taking Rubi Rose and driving away from the scene. The dognappers didn’t care that they were breaking someone’s heart, as they were laser-focused on stealing the little pup. Angela is devastated and just wants her puppy back.

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Angela’s husband died a few years ago, she lost five family members last year, and her best friend passed away in a train accident recently. She says losing Rubi Rose is incredibly painful, and she hopes the puppy is found and returned to her. “It’s so hard. I can’t sleep without her. I haven’t eaten at all today. I want my puppy back,” she shared.

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She talked with a local news reporter and wants everyone to be aware of the crime. “Everybody be careful, even with a locked, gated yard, people steal your dogs,” Angela warned.

We hope Rubi Rose is happily reunited with her owner soon. Always keep a close eye on your pets when they are outside.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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