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Dog Loses Best Friend To Cancer & Shuts Down, But Toy Gives Him Reason To Live

Junior the Border Collie has never been the same ever since his 13-year-old doggie sibling passed away after a long battle with cancer, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The bereaved dog stopped eating and playing like before, and resigned himself to one corner of the house. He was clearly haunted by the memories of his best mate, but he didn’t know how to cope with his grief.

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Dad, who was equally affected by the loss of his sick dog, understood Junior’s pain and hoped that he would get better over time. But it seemed as if the heartbroken dog had shut himself down and lost his will to live. Dad was worried his poor baby was withering away and he knew he had to do something to help Junior.


After much thought, Dad went to the store and bought the cutest puppy stuffed toy he could find. When he handed over the “puppy” to Junior, the pooch was instantly overcome with emotions. He grabbed the toy close to his chest, as if to comfort his aching heart, and perched himself on Dad’s lap!

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These days, Junior is doing much better with the help of his comfort toy. He plays with it all day and never lets it out of his sight. The toy might be an inanimate object to others, but to Junior, it reminds him of his brother’s presence. What a bittersweet story.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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