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Discarded Dog Who Laid Down To Die Held On Just Long Enough For Help To Arrive

Sandro had spent months on the streets, fending for himself. He had a chain embedded in his neck, and he was barely able to walk, due to severe hip dysplasia, writes ilovemydogsomuch

One day he decided he had enough, and just laid down to die.

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Luckily, Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers found him and refused to let him give up on life.


They brought him to the vet, where he underwent surgery for his hip dysplasia.

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Within a few months, after receiving treatments and physical therapy, he was fully recovered and able to walk on his own.

He was in much better spirits and was finally happy to be alive.

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Sandro had spent the last three years at their shelter, but he finally got his happy ending with a family in Paris, who wrote to Larkhill, saying they had fallen in love with Sandro and wanted to adopt him.

Watch his journey in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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