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Dog Handed In By Owner To Be Put Down Makes Her First Friend Instead

A puppy was handed into the vet by her owner because they no longer wanted her. They asked for her to be put down and were somehow totally fine with that. But euthanasia just wasn’t in the cards for the sweet dog they ended up naming Mouse, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Fortunately, the vet got ahold of Sidewalk Specials to take her in instead. Here, instead of being put down, the girl would make her very first friend ever! The two dogs decided to make up for lost time and went on all kinds of adventures together.

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And now, Mouse has a loving family in her forever home that she shares with a big sister, and they’re inseparable! She’s making the most out of a second chance at life, and it’s thanks to the hard work of Sidewalk Specials and all of their supporters!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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