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Screaming-Out In Pain, Man Made Last Call Before He’s Taken To The Back Room

If a story has to begin this way, it’s only fair that it ends happily. For this sweet, deserving dog, he doesn’t just survive, he thrives! And boy, does he deserve it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A one-year-old Border Collie, named Kong, was brought into an Oklahoma shelter in terrible shape. He had a painful skin condition that made him cry out in agony. Where he had lost patches of fur from the disease, he was then badly sunburned. The poor dog’s pain was unrelenting and his cries were heartbreaking!

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Border Collie Rescue & Rehab or BCRRT, heard about the dog and sent volunteers to get him and bring him back to Texas where they are based.


Once Kong felt more comfortable with his new human friends, he cried a bit less. Especially when they put in every effort to treat his painful skin. He even began to trust their gentle touch.

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“Kong loves to play, toys, toys, toys and he loves to love. He is very affectionate with people, and loves kids. As long as someone is petting or touching him, he’s happy! He can be a little shy at first, but warms up to you quickly. He enjoys walks, and does well with other dogs. He enjoys playing with other dogs.”

The dog’s next steps were to go into a foster home. His foster parents were extra patient, which he of course deserved, and taught him how to “dog.” He quickly took to crate training and potty training.

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BCRRT said that “His transformation has been phenomenal so far, and we know his perfect forever home is out there.” And they were right! Kong’s photo came up on Curtis Hartsell’s social media feed. Curtis knew immediately that this dog belonged with him!

“I looked through his profile and just immediately fell in love with his single picture and the description they put on the page,” Hartsell told The Dodo. “His foster mom described his temperament and personality and I described my life to her a bit and she said we sounded perfect for each other.”

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Curtis didn’t hesitate. He filled out an application and after the rescue group checked him out and his home, the two were matched!

Soon, the two were brought together. When Curtis saw Kong, he knew, that he was always meant to be his dog. He kneeled down and gave Kong two things: The biggest, sweetest hug imaginable AND a new name. ZIB, after the famous Russian space dog.

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Curtis whispered his new name and asked if he would like to go home with him. “He was sitting in front of me, looked into my eyes and then hugged me and bowed his head. It was adorable; I’ll never forget that moment.”

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And ZIB couldn’t have agreed more! See, we told you this had a happy ending!

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source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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