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Puppy Mill Breeder Asks If Pregnant Dog Is Dead Yet After Pups Die Inside Her

In the United States, unscrupulous breeders who produce puppies purely for profit in deplorable conditions are called puppy mills. In Australia, the same type of facilities is called puppy farms, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Recently, protestors in the town of Perth in Australia gathered outside Parliament House to shine the spotlight on the deplorable practice.

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Following allegations of animal cruelty and noncompliance of state breeding “Codes of Practice” at puppy farms in Wagga and Inverell, the RSPCA raided several puppy farms. It is alleged that a 10-month-old Boxer named Strawberry died in a matter of days after she became sick during a pregnancy. A news report claims the dog’s litter “rotted inside of her.” A whistleblower at the puppy farm told WA Today, “She was basically rotting from the inside out and that would be why she smelt of death.”

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WAToday reported two of the surviving puppies were being advertised for sale at Claremont Puppies and Pets, a pet shop. WA Today wrote, “The shop’s owner Victor Finkelstein told the publication he did source puppies from the Inverell breeder but said he didn’t think they had been treated badly and didn’t know about the conditions on the farm, which had previously been raided by the RSPCA in 2015.”

Despite the local council bringing hundreds of charges against the breeder, he was still allowed to continue operating the business. Finkelstein claimed he visited the breeder in the past and “never seen a dog in bad conditions.”

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In the meantime, the anti-puppy farming group, Oscar’s Law, continues to protest. Animal Justice Party MP Emma Hurst stated, “Puppy farmers like this are now surging across the border, knowing that our weak laws fail to protect dogs from this sort of cruelty.”

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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