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Owner Spits On Malnourished Dog While In Labor & Vomiting Maggots

Annie the Pit Bull mix desperately needed someone to come along and save her battered, tortured body before it was too late. Annie and six other dogs were left to starve in Oklahoma until the folks at Pawsitive Restorations Animal Rescue showed up, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When rescuers arrived on the scene, Annie was laying on the driveway of her owner’s home. She was almost unresponsive and too weak to continue giving birth to the puppies inside her. Instead, she was vomiting up maggots.

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Despite her deplorable condition and the process of labor happening, Annie’s owner became angry when rescuers showed up on the scene. She walked over to poor Annie and spit on her body.


Authorities rushed Annie to the vet but 10 puppies did not survive. Two babies made it out alive. She is filled with open wounds, maggots, and suffers from dehydration and malnourishment.

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She is currently in Colorado where two veterinarians are treating her for a rare condition similar to the human form of internal varicose veins.

They hope to reunite Annie with her babies when they are able. In the meantime, she is fighting for her life.

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We thank everyone who came together to help Annie and the other dogs in need and hope that she will prevail and fight to survive.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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