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One Ear Kitten Looked To Man & Asked To Go Home With Him, Seals It With A Kiss

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While we, at I Love My Dog So Much, tend to gravitate towards canine stories of survival, this tiny kitten has left quite the impression. We love ALL animals and this kitten’s tenacity is one for the books. When she was found by a Good Samaritan, the injured kitten had sought refuge on a pile of garbage.

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She had been attacked by other strays because she was too small to protect herself. Food is a scarcity and it is common for other stray dogs and cats to fight over it. This tiny kitten was in the wrong place at the wrong time, with a yearning hunger, and she paid the ultimate price.

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The woman who found her took the little kitten to the vet. Her head had been bleeding from a bite, and at her age and at this size, the injury would have been fatal. The vet immediately cleaned the wound and placed sutures to stop the bleeding. Sadly, however, her one ear could not be saved.

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What follows is incredible. The woman who saved her decided to wait at the vet clinic during her surgery. She called her husband to come and meet the little one. When the tiny kitten woke up, and she saw her rescuer’s face, everything changed at that very moment. The kitten, who had never been shown kindness, looked into her rescuer’s eyes and says “thank you” in her own way.

The vet instructed the woman that she could bring the kitten home in a couple of days but that the kitten would have to come back for frequent wound care and checkups. The woman agreed. She officially adopted the tiny girl. Her husband certainly approved, especially when he got some kitty kisses!

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A volunteer at the clinic told the woman that the kitten felt safest and cried the least when she was wrapped up tight in a blanket or wearing a little shirt. The kitten’s new mom went shopping that same day for a new kitten wardrobe. She wanted to be sure that her new fur-kid felt wanted and loved in her new home.

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The brave little kitten’s new wardrobe cannot be missed! Her mom even went out of her way to make her stylish “hats” she can wear to protect her head wounds. It’s incredible how this tiny life that was found in the garbage is now loved and spoiled properly. To see more about the kitten’s incredible rescue, and see her now, click on the video below!

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Source ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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