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Lady Adopts Dog & Gives Him Away, New Owner Dumps Him On Street When He Turns 13

Trooper has not had an easy life. Back in 2009, he was thrown over the fence of Perry County Humane Society of Illinois and eventually adopted, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Unfortunately, against contract, the adopter ended up giving Trooper to someone she no longer had contact with.

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“She just gave him away, gave him to somebody,” Humane Society volunteer Amy James told WSIL. “From then on, there’s no telling how many times this poor thing has been passed around, and if she just would have called us.”

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Looking at him now, it’s clear that he lived a life of neglect and abuse. He ended up on the streets and was found by an Open Access shelter.

They were able to scan his microchip and trace him back to the Perry County Humane Society where he was originally adopted out of.

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Trooper is now 13 years old, visually impaired, and extremely malnourished. It’s unknown if Trooper was neglected in a home, or if he had been living on the streets for quite some time, but regardless he has a long road of healing ahead of him.

He is now living with a foster, Amy, while he is nursed back to health for a second time, and will most likely remain in foster care for his golden years.

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The Humane Society posted a picture of Trooper on Facebook that shows all of his ribs poking out.

“This is the face of WHY contracts read that the animal has to be returned to the rescue,” they wrote. “WE ALWAYS TAKE OUR ANIMALS BACK. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.”

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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