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Grainy Pic Of Chained-Dog Came Across Her Screen, Woman Patrolled Every Town

One dog, from a small town on the other side of the globe, was never loved, writes ilovemydogsomuch

He was placed on a heavy chain outside his “home” and left to rot. His heartless owners didn’t care if he had enough to eat or clean water to drink. The dog’s entire life consisted of lying on the uncomfortable pavement, in his own waste, while he starved.

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Finally, a Good Samaritan from a neighboring area heard about the dog. She couldn’t fathom any creature living that way. She made arrangements to have the dog taken from his owners. He was so sick and underweight that his owners knew they would soon have a dead body on their hands and were happy to be rid of him.

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The dog was freed from his chain and taken to the closest vet clinic. The vet confirmed what everyone suspected. The dog was very sick and needed immediate intervention. His weight was terrible. He also had mange, which had caused his fur to fall out. The poor boy had scratched his skin so much from the itchy mange that infection spread. He needed antibiotics, IV fluids, and a high-calorie diet.

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While the dog was being treated, the rescuer made as many phone calls as she could. She was too poor herself to take another dog in, especially one that needed so much care. She finally found him a spot in an animal shelter a few hours away.

The staff at the vet clinic fell head over heels in love with this special dog. Even though he had been treated so poorly his whole life, he was still incredibly friendly towards humans. As his health improved, and fur grew in, he looked like an entirely different dog.

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It took four months for the dog to be healthy enough to leave the clinic. Everyone wanted to be sure he was eating and drinking properly and all his infections had cleared up. When he arrived at the animal shelter, he’s overcome with emotion. He’s a dog lover himself! He can’t get over all his new friends.

The pup who was so isolated on that heavy chain, and never had a friend in the world, is suddenly surrounded by a new pack who accepts him immediately! Seeing him play in the video below is such a sight! It’ll warm your heart right up!

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It is never okay to mistreat an animal. If you see something, say something. ALWAYS contact local authorities. NEVER take matters into your own hands. This pup is thriving today because someone stepped up and did the right thing!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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