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Woman Watched As Neighbor Pet Her Cat & Left Him In The Pouring Rain For Good

The story in the video is narrated, in tears, by a very kind soul named Maria. One day Maria watched from her window as her neighbors prepared to move, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They had the usual stuff in tow. A bunch of boxes, a moving van, and their car was packed. It seemed like an ordinary thing but then Maria noticed her neighbor pet their cat for the final time and walk away from him.

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What broke Maria’s heart most was that the cat, named Rolo, was a sweet old boy. They were the only family he had ever known. Maria watched as Rolo sat in the driveway, in the rain, waiting for his owners to come back for him but they never did. It was heart wrenching and cruel. But in the end, it was actually a blessing. A family that would do this doesn’t deserve Rolo in the first place.


Maria tried countless times to catch Rolo and bring him inside but he refused. He’d run away and then go back to waiting for his owners. The ritual was exhausting to both Maria and Rolo. So Maria turned to the internet. She looked up how to get a cat to trust her.

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Food was Maria’s go-to. She was able to feed Rolo but he’d only eat if she gave him space. So, of course, wanting the cat to eat, she did. But despite regular feedings, Rolo was losing weight. Maria was very concerned. She knew she needed to catch Rolo and take him to the vet.

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One day, she got close enough to Rolo and he looked up and hissed at her. But she didn’t let that deter her. She grabbed him as fast as she could and put him into a carrier. She then drove straight to the vet. She explained the entire situation and told them to do everything that was needed, including blood work and shots. She had no idea if his former owners neglected his medical care. They decided to admit Rolo because he was in pain. He stayed for four days.

Maria came back for Rolo and instantly saw a change in him. She was so happy to bring him home. Rolo was still confused as to where he was. He’d look out the window at his old house as if he had no idea why he was with Maria. This broke Maria’s heart. She wanted so badly to explain to Rolo that he is safe now, and he was exactly where he belongs.

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It hurt Maria to an extent too. She kept thinking, despite everything she had done for Rolo, why couldn’t he get over his old family already and give her a chance? Of course nothing is that simple. Maria’s boyfriend became the voice of reason she needed to hear. He understood that this would be an adjustment for all of them.

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What happens next is so darn heartwarming, you can’t miss it. We are disgusted by Rolo’s former owners but we have a good feeling it was all a blessing in disguise. To see the entire story and what happens next, check out the video below!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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