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They Shot Her In The Head, Fractured Her Jaw & Left Her For Dead

Bubbles the dog had a very rough start to life. At the tender age of six months, Bubbles was taken to a shelter after being horrifically beaten and abused. She was shot in the head and bludgeoned with a hammer, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Right around the time the dog was brought to the shelter, 51-year-old Kilyn Horton Blanchard, and her husband, 56-year-old Ike Blanchard, were volunteering at a local animal shelter in Houston, Texas. The duo fell in love with the sweet puppy the moment they met her.

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Poor Bubbles’ right eye was damaged, she had a large wound on her face, and scans showed her jaw was shattered and began incorrectly healing. She could only open her mouth a mere half-inch. It was confirmed by CT scan that she was shot through her right eye and the bullet smashed her inner ear and jaw.


Fast forward and Bubbles is now three years old. She has her very own Instagram account called @khbubbles.

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Her bio reads, “Cruelty survivor. At six months old I was shot in the head. Living a great life now with my new family.”

We love a happy ending and wish the same for all dogs in need of forever homes!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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