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Setting Off Fireworks In The UK That Causes “Suffering” To Animals Could Land You A Hefty Fine Or Time In Jail

Fireworks are used around the world to celebrate various occasions, and sometimes they’re just used for fun. What many people may not think about when setting off fireworks is the amount of stress and possible harm it could cause to animals in the area, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

In the UK, fireworks are a typical part of the celebration of Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night.

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The celebration takes place on November 5th each year, but many people may be unknowingly breaking the law by joining in on the festivities.

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As per the Animal Welfare Act of 2006 causing animals unnecessary “suffering” to any vertebrate animal is a punishable offense. The maximum sentence for the offenses is 5 years imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.

In an interview with Metro, a spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed that setting off fireworks around animals could be seen as causing them unnecessary suffering. They said, “Users of fireworks need to use them responsibly and be aware of animals close by, and those found guilty of causing animals unnecessary suffering can face up to five years’ imprisonment.”

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Just last year, a horse lost an eye after being hit with a firework on Bonfire Night. It was a tragic occurrence, but also served as a reminder of the severity of improper firework use.

Beyond physical injury, animals may also be caused high amounts of stress due to fireworks. Pet owners can do their best to calm animals but the most effective way to help them is to remove them from the situation.

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The RSPCA shared some tips to keep pets safe and comfortable during fireworks. They advised the following:

For dogs…
– Keep them indoors when possible.
– Avoid walks during times when fireworks are going off.
– Turn on the TV or provide a source of noise to distract them.
– Ignore the fireworks yourself.

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For cats…
– Make sure they have a safe hiding place indoors.
– Allow them to hide and don’t attempt to coax them out.

For horses, they suggest speaking to those who are setting off fireworks to see if they can do so away from the horses.

Of course, it’s also important to make sure your pets are microchipped in case they attempt to escape when fireworks are going off.

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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