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Puppy Dumped In Middle Of Busy Freeway Freezes In Fear & Cries To Strangers

It’s heartbreaking to see how some people choose to abandon “unwanted” puppies in the most heartless ways imaginable, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When one unlucky puppy was cast aside on an extremely busy motorway in Bucharest, Romania, a kind passerby risked his own life to try and save her.

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Ovidiu Rosu, a veterinary surgeon, immediately stopped his car when he saw the stranded puppy hiding under the railing between the busy lanes and crying for help. The vehicles were moving at breakneck speed and it was only a matter of time before the puppy got crushed to death.


We see Ovidiu calculating his moves as he tries to skip across the road amidst oncoming traffic. After some intensely scary jumps, the brave man manages to reach the puppy. However, the terrified puppy is so mistrustful of humans that she refuses to budge from her spot.

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Ovidiu braces himself as he tries to approach the puppy to win her trust. He gently strokes the puppy, but the poor creature is still frightened. Ovidiu knows that time is running out, so he grabs the puppy by the neck and swiftly crosses the road while dodging the speeding vehicles. Wow!

Ovidiu later took the puppy home and tended to her health. He has named her “Berta” and is currently looking for a nice forever home for her. We are so proud of Ovidiu for rescuing the helpless puppy despite all odds. What a selfless hero!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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