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Community Comes Together to Save Neglected Puppy Tethered Outside

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

It takes a village to save a child or an animal, and this was demonstrated during the late night hours of September 14th, 2016.

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Two good Samaritans who lived next door to the pup and her owner called the Alachua County Animal Control Office multiple times with little result. It was not until a plea went out on Facebook for everyone to contact the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office on Sassy’s behalf that things finally started moving.

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It was reported that hundreds of calls and messages went into the Sheriff’s Office Communications Division that night, not only from Florida residents but callers as far away as Texas and even Canada.


Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Brown and Sergeant Ulrich responded to the home and knocked multiple times on the front door, but the dog’s owner refused to open it. They found Sassy tied up on the back porch. Her condition shocked and disturbed them both. She was like a walking skeleton and barely responded to offers of food and water.

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Sassy was rushed to the emergency vet where she was deemed parvo negative but infested with worms and fleas. Then sweet Sassy was on the road to recovery with several deputies interested in adopting her.

Sassy’s story proves to us that all lives matter. Even one little dog who until September 14th was nameless. She was saved from a torturous existence because enough people banded together to fight for her.

Story submitted by Denise Costa from Orlando, Florida.

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Sassy’s story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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