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Abused Dog Enjoys A Cozy New Bed For The Very First Time

It amazes me how some people can treat animals as though they’re not sensitive beings who deserve the same creature comforts that we do – mainly food, water, and a warm place to sleep. My parents have an outdoor cat who used to belong to our neighbors. She was never cared for the entire time that she was under their “care,” always being left outside year-round, regardless of the weather, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

If it was ridiculously hot outside, there was Lilly having to take shade under some bushes. If it was raining, there was Lilly huddling under a car. If it was near-freezing temperatures, there was Lilly curled up tightly on the wool blanket my mom would leave out on the porch for her.

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With such indifference, it was not surprising that Lilly got left behind by the neighbors when they moved away. But that was fine by my parents because it meant that they got to formally adopt her and now she’s now living her best life getting spoiled rotten.

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That is really all any animal deserves, a loving home where they will be spoiled rotten. For one little 12-year-old Chihuahua named Belle, life was pretty neglectful. Her owners didn’t treat her well and never showed her any tenderness or affection.

Luckily, that wasn’t going to be Belle’s whole life. Eventually, the little pooch got a second chance and she was adopted by Maria Torres and Roberto Rodriguez.

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Torres and Rodriguez were able to show this adorable little lady what it means to be a dog in a caring home. In fact, creature comforts were such a foreign concept to Belle that the little Chihuahua didn’t know what to do with herself the first time that she got to sleep in a doggie bed.

The moment was captured on camera, and it certainly pulls at the heartstrings. It shows this little pup timidly getting into the bed, unsure of what to expect.

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The entire time Torres is assuring Belle that she is loved and that she will never have to worry about being abused ever again. We are so happy that this sweet little dog gets to live happily ever after with people who will love her unconditionally.

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Watch the moment that Belle gets her very own bed below:

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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