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Man “Disciplines” Puppy By Bashing Puppy’s Head Against Wall With Massive Force

A much-publicized animal cruelty case has taken a new turn following the appeals court’s decision to strike down the lifetime animal ownership ban that was imposed on the abuser, Travis Archer, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The 47-year-old man was arrested back in April 2017 for beating and stabbing his black Labrador puppy, Ponce, to death. This is the same case that sparked heavy public outrage and led to the passage of Ponce’s Law, which introduced harsher penalties for animal cruelty.

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As per the original arrest report, Ponce was found dead after Travis brutally assaulted him in his Florida home in the name of “disciplining” the pup. The 9-month-old puppy had suffered a fractured jaw and broken teeth and ribs, apart from several other injuries. He also had extensive trauma to 3 spots in his head from being hammered against the wall with massive force.


Travis was charged with felony animal cruelty for this disturbing crime, and he pleaded no contest to the charge. He was sentenced to 365 days in jail and a 3-year term of probation, along with a lifetime prohibition on owning animals.

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However, in a 2-1 decision made by a panel of the 5th District Court of Appeal, it was concluded that the circuit judge did not have the legal authority to impose lifetime animal ownership ban. While the ban may be “justified”, it was still beyond the trial court’s jurisdiction, which implies the ban must not exceed the 3-year probation term.

Ponce’s story will always be a significant one for the community who tirelessly fought together to demand justice for him. Ponce’s death indeed ushered a wave of change by bringing forth stricter laws regarding animal welfare. What are your thoughts on the overturn on Travis’ lifetime animal ownership ban? Let us know in the comments.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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