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Dog Meets Baby For The First Time, Puts Paw On The Baby’s Head And Blesses Her

Agustina is a West Highland White Terrier with a sunny personality and playful manners, writes ilovemydogsomuch

But when she met her newborn human sister named Emilia for the first time – her family noticed a major shift in her usual frisky behavior. They instantly knew they just had to seal this special moment on camera!

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Agustina is bewitched the moment she sets her eyes on her tiny sister, and this prompts her to jump on the bed to cuddle with the little one.


However, it is her thoughtful gestures that leave the family stunned! Agustina completely discards her exuberant ways around Emilia, and moves with extreme caution and grace as she approaches her.

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The smart Westie is visibly careful of where she places her paws while she snuggles up to her delicate human. It even looks like the sweet dog is placing her paw on Emilia’s head and blessing the little baby!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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