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Owners Lock Their Unwanted Dog In Apartment Bathroom Without Food And Move Away

Daenerys the Pit Bull was intentionally left behind by her conniving owners when they vacated their apartment, writes ilovemydogsomuch

She loyally waited for her beloved humans to come and get her, but days turned to weeks as her trust dwindled away. She was finally discovered by the person who dropped by to change the apartment locks – and it was one dreadful sight.

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Daenerys was hanging her head by a corner, totally consumed by the misery of being cast aside by her loved ones. The starvation had wasted away every ounce of her muscle, but she still wagged her tail with gratitude when she was found. She was later taken in by a foster parent named Tara.


For the first few days in foster care, Daenerys had no strength at all. She was a bag of bones who couldn’t even lift her head, let alone stand on her own. After sleeping and resting for 5 days, she was touched by Tara’s nurturing love – and this infused her with an indomitable will to fight back!

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Little by little, Daenerys picked herself up with the help of Tara. While she was gaining weight steadily, it was her newfound love for comforting stuffed toys that helped her sail through it all. Tara couldn’t help herself as she ended up getting 100 “stuffies” for her precious baby girl!

Daenerys’ healing journey with Tara culminated with a breathtaking lake adventure filled with ecstatic smiles, splashes and a shark fin! Watch this video till the very end to follow the beautiful Daenerys meeting her new forever mom for the first time. Daenerys’ cruel abandonment is truly shameful, but her happy ending reinstated our faith in humanity!

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Click the video below to watch Daenerys overcoming her abandonment and rediscovering her smile!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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