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Hungry Shelter Dog Fears Not Getting Meals So He Sleeps With His Food Bowl

A woman named Susanne happened to be looking at a local shelter’s website when she noticed a photo of a Jack Russell Terrier mix dog. Despite being a senior at 10 years of age, Susanne waited three hours outside the rescue center to meet the dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The dog’s name was Neville and he was found as a stray on the streets. Susanne didn’t want her last name revealed, but she fell in love with the dog immediately.

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They think Neville was used for breeding and was treated quite poorly. At first, Neville fought for food with Susanne’s other rescue dog. She slowly trained Neville to be more trusting and trained him on how to eat from a bowl.


Since first being adopted, two years have passed and little Neville takes comfort in his food bowl. He must have gone so long without regular meals that he carries his food bowl around and sleeps with it at night.

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Susanne believes the bowl puts Neville at ease because he keeps it right by his side as if it were a stuffed toy.

She took to Twitter and shared an image of sweet Neville all curled up with his stainless steel food bowl. She captioned it, “My little rescue dog breaks my heart. He still can’t get over having his very own bowl.”

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We love a happy ending and wish Neville a long, happy life in his forever home.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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