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Dog’s Body Found Stuck To Floor After Woman Abandons Him Without Food Or Water

When the landlord of a property in Waterloo, Iowa went to evict a tenant from a property, he discovered the remains of a dead black and white dog. Sadly, the animal’s remains were on the bathroom floor for such a long period of time that his body was stuck to the floor, writes ilovemydogsomuch

According to court records, the previous tenant hadn’t lived at the property for at least three months.

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The landlord notified the Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Department who came out to the scene. Authorities were able to track down 22-year-old Alicia Cai Swanson who they arrested and charged with animal neglect causing death. Pending trial, Swanson was released from jail. Swanson is accused of locking the animal in the bathroom and abandoning him without food or water.


This poor dog didn’t stand a chance at the hands of the person he counted on to provide love, shelter, and food. I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to abandon or dump an innocent animal, as the outcome will likely be harm, abuse, death, or all three.

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We hope by calling attention to these cases of dog abuse that more people will get involved to prevent a tragedy.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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