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Butcher Gives Up Abused Cow To Rescuers, But Hides Her Newborn Calf For Himself

A cow named Karma was trapped in atrocious living conditions and was continuously mistreated by a shady backyard butcher for years. When she was finally rescued and brought to The Gentle Barn Sanctuary, the rescuers thought her troubles were over, writes ilovemydogsomuch

So as Karma began wailing and writhing non-stop, everyone thought she was simply missing her old mates and would eventually settle down.

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However, days passed and Karma’s heart-wrenching cries only grew louder and more persistent. That’s when Jay, a sanctuary worker, noticed Karma’s udders dripping with milk. She clearly had had a baby just before her rescue, and was forcefully separated from her little one.


Upon investigation, the sanctuary workers realized that Karma’s previous owner had maliciously hidden away her newborn calf, Mr. Rojas, during the rescue operation. They were horrified when the owner told them that the calf was already sold as food and was about to be slaughtered in some time.

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Jay and the other workers rushed to the butcher to get Mr. Rojas. While the owner initially protested, he eventually gave in and reluctantly handed over Karma’s terrified baby! In the video below, we see the precious moment as Jay arrives at the sanctuary with Mr. Rojas.

Karma senses her calf’s presence from afar and desperately tries to break free from the fence to see him. However, her worst fear comes true as Mr. Rojas plops to the ground lifelessly while walking to her.

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As it turns out, Mr. Rojas had simply passed out due to malnutrition and starvation. Jay hoisted him up and took him to his anxious mama, and the pair embraced each other in an emotional reunion! Aww! Cows are truly such loving and dedicated mothers!

Click the video below to watch Karma’s tear-jerking story and her priceless reunion with her baby.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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