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Woman Sees Dog Shivering In Cold Outside, Gives Her Own Coat To Keep Him Warm

Kristina Hollie was waiting for her bus at Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when she witnessed the most adorable gesture by a woman. Kristina noticed a woman literally taking the coat off her back in order to keep her dog warm while she finished her chores in the area, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Kristina later discovered that the woman had some errands to run inside the local post office. As dogs weren’t allowed inside the building, the woman was forced to tie her furry companion outside. However, the woman got worried when she saw her dog shivering helplessly as he waited.

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That’s when the insightful owner simply unbuckled her coat and covered her dog with it. She even bent down and zipped it up for the dog to make sure he was warm and cozy. The dog looked so adorable in the comfy green layers that every passerby was forced to stop and notice him! Kristina says the dog definitely made everyone’s day brighter on that bus stop!


As pet owners, it is our responsibility to make sure that our voiceless little friends remain warm and comfortable. The woman in this story is a truly amazing owner who’s an ideal role-model for every pet owner out there! Let’s spread her good example and strive for the well-being of our pets!

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Click the video below to watch how to protect your pets from the cold!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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