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Starving & Weak, Skeletal Dog Was Chained To A Tree In The Woods & Left To Die

A boy named Leonardo heard a dog crying not far from his home in Betim, Brazil. He thought it was his neighbor’s new dog that they had adopted, so he ignored it, writes ilovemydogsomuch

When the crying continued for days, he decided to check it out and was shocked at what he discovered.

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There he saw a puppy tied up to a tree in a vacant lot, without food or water. The heat outside was unbearable, and this poor puppy would have died if Leonardo didn’t find him when he did.


The puppy, later named Bob, had such bad mange that he lost every ounce of hair, which revealed his bony physique. Bob was dehydrated, starving and just mere skin-and-bones.

His painful skin was covered in wounds, many of which had live maggots living inside.

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They rushed Bob to the vet, where he was in critical condition. His face swelled up because of his wounds, which was causing him a lot of pain. Vets immediately put him on pain meds, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory.

Despite everything Bob had been through, he still wagged his tail through the pain and was extremely friendly.

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Eventually, his wounds healed and the pain went away. He was already feeling and looking so much better.

He loved getting attention and finally love for the first time in his life.

Sadly, Bob suffered from respiratory failure and eventually passed away, but he did not die in vain. He died knowing what love was and most importantly, surrounded by people who cared about him.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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