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Shivering Dog Peeks Head Out From City Garbage Can & Pleads For Worker To Help

An employee at a city park was walking by a trash can when he became startled by what he saw inside. There, inside the deep can with his head peeking out was the most adorable dog with a very sad look on his face. Rescuers from the Birmingham Dogs Home in England were immediately contacted to see if they could help the poor fellow, writes ilovemydogsomuch

No one knows if the dog was intentionally dumped into the trash can or if the pup crawled inside to try and get warm on a very cold night. Either, way he was in a major predicament and needed someone to help. Rescuers believe the pooch is about 18 months old and was likely living on the streets as a stray. He didn’t have a microchip so tracking down his owner, if he had one, was nearly impossible.

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Thanks to the Birmingham Dogs Home team, the little guy’s life was about to get better.


“He is getting all the love and attention that he needs whilst in our care,” Birmingham Dogs Home shared. “He is now enjoying under-floor heating rather than a dust bin at a local park.”

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In a recent video the group posted on Facebook, the pooch is seen running and playing during a snowy winter day. I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to abandon or dump an innocent animal, as the outcome will likely be harm, abuse, death, or all three.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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