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Rare Rhino Birth Gives Hope To Endangered Species, Only 2nd Birth In 128 Years

Sumatran rhinos have been critically endangered for quite some time now. But a glimmer of hope has dawned on this magnificent species with the birth of a beautiful female calf, Delilah! She was born in a monitored enclosure at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia. She is only the second of her kind to be born in captivity in 128 years, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Delilah is the second child born to rhino parents Andalas and Ratu. Her big brother, Andatu, was born in 2012 in the same sanctuary. With only around 100 Sumatran rhinos alive on the planet and their rapid rate of decline, Delilah’s birth is seen as a miracle by wildlife enthusiasts around the world!

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Mom Ratu had trouble with birthing Andatu before. But with Delilah, the experience paid off and the 14-year-old was much more comfortable throughout the complication-free birthing process. The newborn calf weighed 45lbs, and is now growing at a healthy rate. She is expected to weigh more than half-a-ton when she reaches maturity!

Ratu is having a great time being a mama to her sweet kids. Before Andatu, she used to be fierce and quite a handful to the staff. But motherhood has transformed her personality, and she has blossomed into a calm, thoughtful and attentive mama!

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While the sanctuary staff is overjoyed to welcome Delilah, they have also grown more concerned regarding the protection of the rhinos. Most rhinos in the world live in small isolated pockets managed by sanctuaries, but poachers are always on the lookout for stealing and murdering rhinos for their invaluable horns.

Delilah is already growing up to be a playful and spunky sweetheart. With adequate protection and care, the sanctuary hopes that she will be able to carry her species forward in the years to come.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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