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Puppy With Skin Condition Got Worse When Rescuers Tried To Help

When Martin was a little puppy, he was found living on the streets. To make matters worse, the tiny pup was also suffering from a pretty bad skin condition writes theanimalrescuesite

When he was taken to the local animal hospital, his skin was treated for tick dermatitis. However, it soon became apparent that whatever was wrong with the puppy’s skin was not caused by tick dermatitis.

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In fact, Martin’s skin actually got worse with the medical treatment, which meant that he would have to see a specialist.

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The little puppy was taken all the way to Moscow to see what was the underlying condition causing his skin reaction.

Once at the new vet’s, tests were conducted and it turned out that Martin had the Parvovirus. Only in his case, he was asymptotic which is why he didn’t show any initial signs. The vet assured his rescuer, Angelina, that he would be okay.

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Martin’s body was covered in acne sores and his fur had to be shaved. It was very uncomfortable for the little pooch, but Angela praised his resilience.

It seemed as though the antibiotics were helping, and Martin seemed to be recovering. Sadly, by the 20th day, the little pup took a turn for the worst as he showed signs of a high fever and was refusing food. Angelina refused to give up on the little pup.

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Fortunately, all the efforts to save Martin paid off, and now he’s a happy, healthy boy.

Angelina couldn’t help but take him in, acknowledging just how bonded the two had become. He’s now living his best life with a doggy sibling and his new mom.

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Watch the clip below:

What do you think of Martin’s journey? Let us know!

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Source theanimalrescuesite

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