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Orangutan Balances Herself On Slippery Plank So The Short Chain Won’t Choke Her

Japik the orangutan was just a baby when a hunter brutally killed her mother. He then sold Japik off to a woman who wanted a pet orangutan. The woman was thrilled to have an exotic pet, and she chained Japik to a tree on her property, amidst a growing pile of rubbish, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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For 2 terrifying years, Japik endured hell as she had to balance herself on a slippery plank to stop the short chain from choking her. She used to cry for shelter in the hot sun and the pouring rain, but her owner had absolutely no compassion for Japik, and merely treated her like a prized exhibit.

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When some animal rescuers were visiting the area, they happened to pass by Japik’s tree on a stormy day. They initially thought some discarded rags were lying around the tree. But as they looked closer, their hearts sank to see a shivering Japik desperately shielding herself from the downpour with the help of a soiled jacket.


The rescuers immediately confronted the woman and called her out for illegally confining Japik. The woman panicked and readily agreed to surrender Japik. The rescuers soon gathered a team to free Japik, who hadn’t move from her spot for 2 years.

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We see the emotional moment when the rescuers cut off Japik’s thick chains, and the orangutan wobbles as her feeble limbs try to walk again. We can also see that the chains were beginning to cut through her skin. However, the lonely orangutan just seems happy that her painful ordeal has ended.

Japik has now started her rehabilitation at “International Animal Rescue”. As a 5-year-old, her physical development is stunted due to the abuse, and she will need years of therapy before she can be released into the wild. The vets say she is in shock, but is displaying a powerful will to survive. Stay strong, Japik!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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