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Abused Dog Shivered Whenever Anyone Touched Her

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Izzy the Chihuahua was a terrified little dog when she was first taken in by the workers at The Ranch Rescue Team. She was found roaming on the streets of Southern California with a terrible limp and an overpowering fear of humans. It was easy to tell that she had had tough experiences with humans as she started shivering uncontrollably the moment anyone touched her writes ilovemydogsomuch

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The rescue saw through Izzy’s traumatized behavior patterns and placed her with an experienced foster mom. For the first few days in foster care, Izzy could barely walk on her own and had to be carried everywhere. Even so, she preferred the feeling of safety provided by her crate and would often refuse to stay elsewhere. Her foster mom decided to give the vulnerable pooch her own space while making sure that all her needs were met.

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Gradually, Izzy’s wary personality began fading away as she found the comfort in relying on her foster mom. In fact, warm and cozy bubble baths became one of her favorite healing and trust-building sessions. Over time, she eagerly began looking forward to her outdoor “wagon” trips and comforting afternoon walks! What a magical turnaround!

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This precious video captures Izzy’s gratifying transformation as she overcomes her mental scars and embraces life again as a pampered pooch. This innocent sweetheart is no longer a damaged soul, but a brilliant survivor with the most loving heart. She deserves all the happiness in the world and we wish her a great life ahead!

Click the video below to watch how Izzy defeated her traumatic past and found her light at the end of the tunnel.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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