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Tormentors Use Friendly Dog To Bait Badgers From Ground & Engage In Fights

A sweet friendly dog named Fig was living a life of torture and pain before finally wandering onto a neighboring property for help, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Authorities in England say Fig was being used for badger baiting, which is a bloody sport that usually results in the death of the badger and serious injury to the dog. Sadly, canines are used to lure or “bait” the badgers out of hiding. The dog and the badgers are literally pitted against one another in a fight to the end.

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The terribly injured dog wandered onto a property and was able to summon help. The inspector on the case called Fig’s injuries one “the worst” he had seen in over 20 years on the job. Fig had tufts of hair missing, deep lacerations to his nose and head, parts of his face and lips were torn off, and his skin was so damaged that his gums were exposed.


The RSPCA is taking care of Fig and says he is one of the friendliest dogs they’ve cared for. When he first arrived at the center, he was covered in mud, thirsty, and suffering in pain. The RSPCA workers plan to dote on Fig and give him extra love and attention as he goes through treatment. When news of the dog broke on social media, dog lovers were outraged and shared their comments.

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John Badby wrote, “Poor boy hope someone gives him the love he needs for the rest of his days.”

And Liz Reed stated, “Oh my god, poor little baby. People are so irresponsible and disgusting.”

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We wish Fig all the best in recovery and are glad he is no longer being used as badger bait. The RSPCA urges anyone with information to call them at 0300 123 8018.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch

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