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Sweet 14-Year-Old Senior Pup Lives 11 Years In Shelter Hoping For Forever Home

Wiggles is a very good girl who spent a large portion of her life living in an animal shelter. The 14-year-old sweet senior girl spent 11 years living at the 5A Animal Shelter in Godfrey, Illinois. She was brought to the shelter back in 2010 and became a resident there ever since. Despite promoting the dog on social media and trying to get her a home time and again, Wiggles was always overlooked, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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A local news station decided to air a story about Wiggles, and just a few days later, the dog was on her way to a forever home. Wiggles’ new owners along with several other people called to inquire about the long-time shelter pooch. Despite the length of time she stayed at the shelter, she has a new life with owners who plan to love her and dote on her like the princess she is.

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At the time she was relinquished to 5A, Wiggles was a mere three years old. Her previous owners said the dog had allergies and they would not be able to care for her any longer. It was all about the cost of the medicine, which her then-owners stated they could not afford. Over the years, Wiggles developed a tumor but it turned out to be benign. Shelter workers believe Wiggles was passed over due to her allergy problems and the tumor.


“She’s one of our specials, the older dogs, we spend a little more time with them,” Carla, a worker at the shelter said. “She’s a sweetheart and she’s a happy girl.”

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Her new family lives in the town of Lake St. Louis, and the shelter director says they are a perfect fit. Anyone interested in rescuing a pet from the shelter can visit their website here or call 618-466-3702.
Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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