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Scared Dog Left Behind On Property After Owner Died, Waited There For Months

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Sadly, many pets are left behind after their owners pass away before making any plan for them. The pets are then left abandoned, scared and confused, or oftentimes with family members who just don’t care or treat them right writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Magic was unfortunately left behind after her owner passed away. She had been living in a vacant house for 11 months until people finally called Hope For Paws for help.

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When HFP volunteers arrived, they gently threw food her way to try and gain her trust. Magic was too scared to let anyone come near here. It had been almost a year since she had any human interaction, so she barked at rescuers and wanted them to leave.


They knew she wouldn’t let them approach her, so they decided to set up a trap. Once they set it up, they left and hid for 40 minutes until Magic felt safe enough to enter the cage.

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Thankfully, their plan worked! They brought Magic back to their clinic and gave her a much-needed bath.

She slowly began to break out of her shell and realized that these people were here to help her.

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She was fostered by The Little Red Dog, who eventually found her a perfect, loving forever home!

Watch her rescue in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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