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Owner Stopped Loving Him, Tied Him To Park Gate & Left Him In The Cold

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A dog was found abandoned at Mayflower Dog Park in Escondido, California, where he was reportedly tied to a fence by two men. It was freezing outside and the dog was extremely scared, howling and crying for help writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Justine Hollins and Taylor Reynold, animal lovers who often help rescue street dogs from Mexico and help them find homes, saw a post about the dog and immediately drove to the park to help.

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Thankfully, they were able to set the dog free and Animal Control came to take the dog.

The Lab Shepherd mix, named Stallone, was clean and had a harness and leash, but it’s unknown why his owner dumped him. Hollins and Reynold says even if the owner wasn’t able to care for him any longer, they still should have found a better way to re-home him, rather than abandon him in the cold.

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Stallone is lucky that he was found before it was too late.

He is now at the shelter, awaiting a loving forever home. After his four-day holding period, he will be available for adoption.

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Escondido Police were notified and are working together with officers from the San Diego Humane Society to investigate and identify the owner.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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