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Old Dog Left Behind By His ‘Loved Ones’ To Fend For Himself At The Border

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Hope For Paws received a call about an abandoned dog on the U.S./Mexico border who was sick and only getting worse. He was left behind to fend for himself by the ones who supposedly once loved him and now needed immediate care. After a long drive, Eldad arrived on scene to help writes ilovemydogsomuch

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A local man told him he had been able to feed the stray and that the old dog got along with his other dogs. Otherwise, the senior pooch was so unsure of this world and didn’t know where to turn. Eldad took a minute to try and gain his trust and named him Pax!


Then Pax was secured with the Lucky Leash and loaded up for the ride back to the hospital. The boy was so exhausted from it all, he slept the whole way! He was such a cooperative patient at the vet and seemed to know they were there to help. Pax got a medical bath and had his eye, ear, and skin infections treated.

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When back at full strength, he’d go on to The Forgotten Dog Foundation who’d find him a loving forever home where he now acts just like a puppy! See Pax today in the video below. 🙂

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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