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Maggot-Infested Dog So Badly Neglected, Staffers Unable To Determine Gender

Workers at the Metro East Humane Society in Illinois are accustomed to taking in pets, but they always ask that people relinquish their animals during normal business hours when the shelter is open, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Sadly, someone dumped a sweet little dog at the front door of the facility when the shelter was closed. The dog was infested with maggots and had so many overgrown hairy mats that workers could not identify the animal’s gender at first.

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On their Facebook page, the shelter wrote, “The severe matting of her hair caused sores to develop along her neck/ear area. Maggots then burrowed themselves into her skin creating a pocket. Ruthie’s wounds were flushed and debrided. She has started many antibiotics and pain medication.”


They knew her name was Ruthie from a microchip scan, but the chip was not registered to anyone in particular. They have no idea how the helpless little girl wound up at their doorstep, but they did everything they could to try and help her survive. She would have a long road ahead but they were determined to help the senior pup recover. Sadly, despite everything they did, Ruthie’s health was so bad and she was neglected for so long that she passed away a few days later.

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Her blood results showed extensive kidney disease, but she didn’t die alone. She was surrounded by love in a warm blanket with people who cared very much. Our hearts are broken over this loss. I Love My Dog reminds our readers to get in touch with local animal control or a local rescue if you can no longer care for your pets. It is never a viable option to abandon or dump an innocent animal, as the outcome will likely be harm, abuse, death, or all three. Rest in peace, sweet girl.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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