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Dog Shields His Sister From “Bad” Humans Entering The Sewer To Get Close To Them

A family noticed 2 Poodles living in a sewer under a freeway in Los Angeles. They understood that the dogs were abandoned on the busy streets, and had run to the sewer for shelter. The family began leaving food for the Poodles, but the dogs refused to come out and interact with them, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Concerned about the Poodles’ safety, the family called the experienced rescue “Hope For Paws” to save the Poodles. But when the rescuers entered the dark tunnel and walked toward the dogs, they weren’t ready for the doggie brother’s heartbreaking reaction.

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The Poodle brother shivers in fear as he sees the strange humans confining them in the claustrophobic sewer walls. But despite his panicked state, the brave brother steps in front and shields his terrified sister as the rescuers come closer. The rescuers acknowledge the Poodles’ fears and decide to wait till the dogs trust them.


As the rescuers patiently pet the siblings, the pair finally sees that the rescuers are harmless. In a touching moment, we see the dogs clinging tight to their savior as they escape the dreary sewer after weeks!

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The disheveled Poodles, now named Pepsi and Cola, endured a long grooming session that completely transformed them! When the family that had called the rescue earlier dropped by at the shelter, they were shocked to see the 2 adorable siblings greeting them with the friendliest smiles!

Pepsi and Cola are being fostered by “Maltese Rescue California”, and they are up for adoption as a bonded pair. We are positive these bubbly cuties will be in their forever home soon!

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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