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“Ugly” Dog With “Human Teeth” Kept Getting Rejected

Salty the Greyhound has a very pronounced overbite that gives her teeth a human-like appearance. While many shelter visitors found her teeth ugly and grotesque, a Melbourne family eventually fell in love with her and adopted her, writes ilovemydogsomuch

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Mom Lucy Percival was having a great time pampering Salty and discovering a new side to her personality every day. But one day, Salty began chattering her teeth uncontrollably and it caused her parents to worry. As Lucy snuggled with Salty and wondered what’s wrong, the dog’s chattering grew louder.

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Eventually, the family realized that Salty wasn’t sick, scared or cold, but the cause of her uncharacteristic teeth chattering were rooted in love! Salty had never experienced so much love and comfort in her life, and her heart simply exploded every time her family made her happy. This overwhelming sentiment automatically caused her teeth to chatter!

Over the years, the Percivals have become used to having a noisy household because of Salty’s frequent joyful teeth chattering. Many people misunderstand and question the family about Salty’s well-being, to which they have to explain that it’s an involuntary response similar to a cat’s purr!

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Lucy calls Salty the greatest gift of her life, and she also thanks her “social” dog for helping her forge invaluable friendships in her community. Rescue dogs are always such a blessing, no matter how they look!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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