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Shelter Sets Up Anonymous Surrender Option, Gets 2 “Ugly Dogs” Reeling In Pain

“Night Drop” is an anonymous surrender facility used by many shelters. It’s basically made for owners who are too embarrassed to face the workers or the ones who would otherwise dump their pets on roads, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The staff at Animal Friends of the Valleys in Wildomar, California, was unsettled to find 2 young Boxers whimpering in pain in their “night drop” box. It’s unsure what made the owners surrender these dogs, whether they didn’t or couldn’t get them medical attention, or whether they simply thought the dogs were “ugly”.

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But what got them worried was the state of the female Boxer, who looked more like a “pink Dalmatian”. The brother-sister pair was named Artie and Asia, and was taken for a quick vet evaluation. While both the siblings were suffering from demodex mange, Asia’s condition was visibly more severe. The infection and open sores had rendered her skin pink and sensitive, and constant itching kept torturing her.


Asia and Artie were heavily confused and depressed during their first days at the shelter. As they received vigorous treatment for their skin disease, the workers also made sure they felt loved and accepted the way they were. Gradually, the siblings were able to make a total recovery, and they even went on to find nice forever homes.

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While Artie got well-settled in his new home, poor Asia’s happiness didn’t last long. Just 2 years after adoption, the sweet girl was devastated as her owner got ill and was forced to surrender her to the shelter. This time, Asia was way more terrified and found it extremely difficult to adapt to the shelter environment.

The shelter shared Asia’s tough journey with the community and made a desperate plea to give her another chance. Thankfully, their prayers were answered and Asia finally found a home that guaranteed her a stable and a nurturing environment. Her troubles are now over for good, and she is going to have an awesome life ahead!

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Click the video below to watch Asia and Artie’s heart-tugging rescue story after being abandoned.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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