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Rescue Saves 52 Dogs Found In Hoarder’s Home

Being a pet owner can be such a wonderful and emotionally fulfilling experience. Once you get a dog or a cat, you can’t imagine your life without them, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

There is so much love to receive with a pet, for some it can become intoxicating where you end up wanting to open your home to more than one pet.

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It can be wonderful to have several pets at once. There are so many perks. They can keep each other company when you’re not home, plus who have more than one little furry companion that loves you.

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However, just because pets are a great addition to your life doesn’t mean that they don’t have certain needs of their own. For a start, you need to be in a position to properly care for each one of the pets that you take on. That means making sure that they have access to proper food and medical attention when needed.

But sometimes, pet ownership can get a little out of control for some, and they find themselves in a hoarding situation. And that can be quite sad for all involved, particularly the pets who end up suffering.

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When first responders were called out to help a man experiencing a health crisis, they were shocked to find that when they entered the man’s home, it was full of distressed dogs. There were more than 50 dogs in distress at the site.

The first responders knew that they were dealing with a hoarding situation, and so they got in contact with the Hillside Kennels Animal Control for assistance.

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Hillside Kennels immediately sprung into action, getting their staff over to the home in order to rescue the dogs. Part of the rescue crew included Cassia Bryden, who is a staff member of Hillside Kennels as well as the founder of Sato Saved End of the Line dog Rescue. It took a week to fully remove and rescue all 52 dogs inside the home.

On her Facebook page, Bryden shared, “Many of these dogs are missing half of their fur and have scars and bite wounds.”

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Alongside her post, she also included pictures of the animals, who were all suffering from fleas and long nails. Because of their overgrown nails, many of the dogs couldn’t walk properly.

In addition, many also had bad skin or fur loss from the fleas and varying other skin conditions. But more than that, many of these animals will have mental and emotional trauma from the life that they lived inside the Blandford, Ontario house.

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Hillside Kennels is working with other dog rescue groups and organizations across the Canadian province – such as PetSave Sudbury, Travelling Tails k9 and 4Champ Animal Rescue – in order to foster and care for the rescued dogs.

Hopefully these dogs end up finding the loving homes that they deserve.

Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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