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Elias Has Spent Six Years Behind Bars Because People Think He’s ‘Too Ugly’

Elias has spent the last six years behind bars after he was rescued from the brink of death, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Although the shelter isn’t an ideal place to be, it was most likely the first place he has ever felt safe in. He was happy when he first arrived, because it was the first time he had care, food and security.

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But nearly seven years is much too long for a dog to be stuck in a kennel, especially when it’s more than half their life. The happiness that Elias felt when he first arrived, faded more and more with each passing year.


But why has Elias been in the shelter for so long? Rescuer Valia Orfanidou believes there are multiple reasons why dogs are overlooked at shelter – looks, age, health issues, and behavioral problems to name a few. But in Elias’ case, Orfanidou believes it’s his looks.

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The shelter had posted a photo of Elias to their Facebook page to try and get him noticed, but someone commented: “Poor dog, he’s so ugly, nobody wants him.”

But Elias is far from ugly. Sadly, his average looks have made it hard to draw attention from potential adopters.

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Poor Elias has seen every dog around him get adopted over the years except for him. But despite that, he is still a friendly, playful dog who just wants to love and be loved.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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