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Dog Hit By Car And Left In Street Learns To Walk Again

I don’t know how some people can hit an animal and just keep driving, blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

But sadly, there are people out there who just drive off without checking to see if the animal they hit is alright or not. It is quite sad.

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For one stray dog, he was hit by a passing car that didn’t stop to check if he was alive or not. Instead, the poor pooch was left on the side of the road, crying out in pain.

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Both his back and neck were stiff, meaning that he was in so much pain he couldn’t move. All he could do was lay completely still, hoping that someone would take pity on him and help him out.

Eventually, he was found by the rescue organization, Animal Aid Unlimited. They happened upon the dog and knew that they couldn’t leave him to die.

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Carefully, they managed to pick him up and get him into a car so he could be transported to the vet in order to get medical treatment.

Once at the vet, he was examined. And luckily, there was hope as the dog still had feeling in his back legs. That meant that he wasn’t paralyzed and would be able to recover.

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Of course, his journey to recovery wasn’t going to be a quick one. It would take time and a lot of rest and medication to get him back to a state where he could make a full walking recovery.

But he eventually got there in the end! It was such a heartwarming moment to witness.

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Watch the video below:

What do you think of this sweet little pooch? Let us know!

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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