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Stuck In A Shelter, He Dragged Himself Across Gravel With His Twisted Legs

A dog named Richard was stuck in a shelter with absolutely no hope. His legs were twisted and he was forced to crawl and drag himself over rocks for the rest of his life, writes ilovemydogsomuch

But Viktor Larkhill refused to let that happen. As soon as he saw Richard in the shelter, he knew he had to get him out of there and get him some help.

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They brought him to the vet for x-rays and a CT scan, so they could determine what the best route to go was in fixing Richard’s legs.


Although Richard had a look of sadness in his eyes, he was very trusting of the hospital staff and let them do whatever they needed to help him.

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Incredible surgeons decided that Richard was a candidate for surgery, although it would be very complex. They were able to straighten out his leg and put a metal plate in.

Right after surgery, Richard was already walking upright for the first time in his life! Today, not only is Richard walking, but he’s running like the wind just like any other dog!

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He has even found a forever home with a loving family and a new doggy sibling to run and play with.

Watch his rescue and transformation in the video below:

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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