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Beagle ‘Adopts’ Abandoned Baby Possum After Her Puppies Died

Growing up I learned first hand just how sweet, kind, and protective dogs can be. Our family dog, Bonita, was a regular mother hen to everyone in our family – including our other pets. Dogs have a great sense of loyalty, it’s what makes them such incredible pets, writes blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood

Molly the Beagle is a dog with a kind heart, and she showed this by adopting a little baby possum. Poor Molly had just suffered a tragic loss to all mothers, after her litter of puppies died in birth. Naturally, Molly was extremely upset by this, and her instinct was to go searching for her puppies outside. That is when she crossed paths with a little baby possum who’d been abandoned by her own mother. Without hesitation, this mama dog took in the orphaned baby.

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Molly’s home is an Australian farm, where she’s already accustomed to being so she’s quite used to being friends with various types of animals. However, it was still a shock to Molly’s owners, Elle and Sara Moyle, to see their dog rock up with her new friend clinging to her back.


Doing what all animal lovers do, the pair let Molly keep her new baby. Both Elle and Sara nicknamed the little possum “Poss,” and soon, she became another member of the family, having formed such a tight bond with her adoptive mama.

As Elle said, “They’re an unlikely pair. I think that possum thought that Molly was her mother, and vice versa.”

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Possums are nocturnal animals, which means that Poss spends a majority of her day sleeping. When Poss sleeps, she goes up unto a tree. The ever loyal Molly can’t follow her up, but she hangs out on the ground below, waiting for her. When Molly and Poss are both awake at the same time, they are constantly together. Poss follows her possum instincts and climbs onto Molly’s back. And she’s more than happy to oblige this piggyback, since she just loves spending time with her adopted baby.

While this pairing is cute beyond belief, Poss is still a wild animal, so that means Elle and Sara recognize that they can’t put restrictions on where she goes. Poss is allowed free reign which is why she is often found sleeping up in trees. But there is something about the power of love which also brings her back to her adoptive mother, Molly.

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As Sara said about the pair’s relationship, “It’s certainly uplifted [Molly’s] mood, they both needed each other, I think, so it’s been a fantastic relationship.”

Once Poss grows up, there is no certainty from Elle and Sara whether or not she’ll stick around. However, for now, they’re more than happy to let Poss and Molly be together as much as they want.

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To them, there is nothing more precious than seeing how a little baby possum can make their dog so happy after her loss.

Poss and Molly’s story is so endearing, that Elle and Sara have even set up an Instagram page for the pair in order to keep people updated on the adorable mother and daughter pair.

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Source: blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com

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