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Man And Wife Flee Hotel Bill & Leave Their Skin-And-Bones Dalmatian To Rot

We will never fully understand how cruelty works. We adore our pets. We adore all animals! Yet there are monsters out there who don’t hesitate to put themselves first and treat animals as if they aren’t living beings who feel just as we feel. This poor pup knows that too well, first hand, writes ilovemydogsomuch

A man and his wife were renting a room. Their dog, a beautiful Dalmatian, who was supposed to be a family member, was cruelly left behind when they could no longer afford to live there. Instead of doing what we would do, like taking their dog with them, they left her behind.

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When the poor pup was finally found, it was truly heartbreaking. She had been surviving by eating her own waste. She was so quiet and afraid, that she went unnoticed for too long. Finally, by the grace of God, a neighbor saw her and called the authorities.


The Dalmatian was finally picked up and brought to the medical clinic. She was so emaciated and scared. The staff is amazed that she survived this long. She is too weak to stand. Because she still fought to live, and that’s a victory in itself, they give the dog a new name: Victoria. They administer IV fluids and medication. Victoria can now rest comfortably.

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The vet also discovers that Victoria is suffering from ehrlichiosis, which is a tick-borne bacterial infection. Her platelets are very low so it’s important to get the right antibiotics on board. The vet and his staff were not giving up on the poor pup.

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But then, as Victoria starts to improve from ehrlichiosis, they discover she also has distemper. The poor girl can’t catch a break. Even after 10 days of being at the clinic, Victoria isn’t making much improvement. But no one is giving up on her… not ever!

Victoria’s condition starts to stabilize a bit but even after a month, she is still too weak to sit up and stand. Her recovery will take time and everyone is rooting for her! The clinic reaches out to potential adopters. They know Victoria is struggling but maybe if she feels safe and loved in a home, it’ll make all the difference.

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Finally, a kind woman, named Marguerite, steps forward to adopt Victoria. Even though Victoria is unable to sit up or stand, Marguerite has faith that with her love and lots of physical therapy, the brave dog will get better.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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