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Little One Collapsed On Trash Pile After Nearly Being Skinned But She Didn’t Make A Sound

A rescue group received a call about a tiny puppy that they think was hit by a car. The damage was so brutal and it didn’t make much sense. When volunteers found her, she was lying on top of a trash pile. She was lonely and confused, and of course, in pain, writes ilovemydogsomuch

The rescuers’ top priority was getting her to the vet to be properly assessed and to give her pain medication to ease her suffering.

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The rescuers name her Zena. She was so brave right from the start. The vet was in awe by her brave little spirit. She lay patiently while he examined her. He came up with the best treatment plan possible. First, he gave her pain medication, IV fluids, and antibiotics. He then sedated her so he could clean out her wound to prevent catastrophic infection. Zena was an excellent patient.


After Zena’s wounds were thoroughly cleaned, she woke up feeling much better. She’s calm and loves humans. She was motivated to eat and drink which would speed up the healing process. She’s a very good patient (and a very good girl!)

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It took 18 days, but Zena finally healed up enough to leave the vet clinic. Her transformation is truly remarkable. She headed over to her foster home where she’s greeted by lots of love and new friends.

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After so much tragedy and Zena fighting so hard, her rescuers and fosters receive the best news imaginable: a family wants to adopt Zena! She went from living a horrific life, with no one to love her, to getting a new family who will make sure she’s always well-cared for.

We aren’t sure what happened to Zena. If these wounds were inflicted on purpose or if it was truly an accident. But what we need to focus on is that she got the medical care she needed and is now living her best life.

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Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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