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Instead Of Treating Their Skin Issues, Owners Tied Them To Trash Can & Left

Bonnie and Clyde were found tied to a garbage can, hiding under trash. They were starving, sick, and all alone with no one to help them, writes ilovemydogsomuch

They were suffering from severe mange and scabies, which made them lose all of their fur and left them with painful and itchy, crusty skin.

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Thankfully, the person who found them contacted Second Chance Animals Rescue, who immediately went to untie and rescue these poor pups.


They were then taken in by Aloha For Paws, where they received anti-itch medications and antibacterial shampoos and creams to help heal their skin.

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After many medicated baths and intensive care, Bonnie and Clyde’s beautiful coats began to grow back. Two months later, the adorable duo looked like completely different dogs!

Both of them have been placed with a foster until they find a forever home. They are absolutely loving life and have completely come out of their shell and gained the confidence they needed.

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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