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Hateful Man Tosses Tiny Pup From High Atop 20-Foot Bridge Into Cold Water Below

Timothy Maguire, director of Nassau County Animal Services, has seen a lot of horrible things in his career, but a recent call to the center really shook him up. Someone called for help after witnessing a puppy being thrown off the Blue Bridge on Route 17 near the Florida-Georgia line in Fernandina Beach, Florida. The innocent pup somehow survived the 20-foot fall after a rotten person threw her into the water, writes ilovemydogsomuch

Regarding a person of interest seen in the water at the time, “She spoke with a gentleman there who was fishing,” Maguire stated. “He turned out to be the good Samaritan who went swimming and looking for the puppy.”

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The pooch is believed to be 10 weeks old and is a Terrier of some sort. Maguire is surprised the pup survived considering the 20-foot drop and the swift currents that run in the water underneath the bridge. Veterinarians examined the pup, named her Queso, and she was recently spayed. Once she recovers and can be released, she will be placed up for adoption.


“We haven’t had many people apply for her. They probably think she’s already adopted,” Maguire shared. “There’s only a handful for her right now, so we’ll look through them, and whatever we think the best fit for her will be, is where she’ll be placed.”

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In the meantime, the gentleman who helped pull Queso from the water has not been identified as of this writing. Maguire would love the opportunity to speak with him but he understands if the good Samaritan chooses to remain anonymous. Watch the story unfold in the video below. Thanks to all who helped Queso to safety!

Source: ilovemydogsomuch.tv

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